Good Morning!
It is the first day of December and the holiday rush has already hit Caustic Threads.
I love the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, and am ready to turn on some Christmas music to keep me going while I work late nights to get orders out as quickly as possible.
I wanted to take a moment to share one of my newest items.
This awesome bird hoodie can be found here
Happy Holidays !
I hope to drop in again soon!
Monday, December 1, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Weekend Recap
Happy Monday!
This weekend was nice. Friday Adam
and I watched a back episode of Antiques Roadshow-Why yes, we are nerdy- and worked out together for about an hour. Adam usually goes climbing on Fridays (and I go also if we happen to have a babysitter for the kids) but the climbing gym is expanding and moving to a new location.
Saturday I got to bike to practice for the first time this season. It was actually pretty chilly, but I was moving at a decent speed so it kept me comfortable.

Sunday was a relaxed day. We did our chores and I got to do a photo shoot for my shop with a friend and fellow Roller Derby skater.
I am not trying to move away from my current model (also a skater and friend) but I wanted to have more variety in faces and body types in my shop.
I am hoping that when I lose some of this weight I will feel comfortable modeling some of my own clothes. I am not sure how I will feel about it, I am not a huge fan of having my photo taken.
I also enjoyed working on some custom art. I had a special request for a Camel design, and soon one (or both) of these will be offered in my shop:
My Nutritional Ketosis is going great. I am looking forward to weighing myself on Tuesday to see if I have made any progress. Lately I have been feeling pretty awesome.
Take Care!
This weekend was nice. Friday Adam
and I watched a back episode of Antiques Roadshow-Why yes, we are nerdy- and worked out together for about an hour. Adam usually goes climbing on Fridays (and I go also if we happen to have a babysitter for the kids) but the climbing gym is expanding and moving to a new location.
Saturday I got to bike to practice for the first time this season. It was actually pretty chilly, but I was moving at a decent speed so it kept me comfortable.

Sunday was a relaxed day. We did our chores and I got to do a photo shoot for my shop with a friend and fellow Roller Derby skater.
I am not trying to move away from my current model (also a skater and friend) but I wanted to have more variety in faces and body types in my shop.
I am hoping that when I lose some of this weight I will feel comfortable modeling some of my own clothes. I am not sure how I will feel about it, I am not a huge fan of having my photo taken.
I also enjoyed working on some custom art. I had a special request for a Camel design, and soon one (or both) of these will be offered in my shop:
My Nutritional Ketosis is going great. I am looking forward to weighing myself on Tuesday to see if I have made any progress. Lately I have been feeling pretty awesome.
Take Care!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
That's What She Said.
Today I wanted to share some great Dolly Parton Quotes. I never would have guessed when I was younger that I would be so inspired by someone like Miss Parton, but she is truly an extraordinary woman.
"When I'm inspired, I get excited because I can't wait to see what I'll come up with next."
"I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde."
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
For Liquid Liner Lovers
I am a huge fan of black liquid eyeliner, and I am sort of picky about what I like. I recently discovered my all-time-favorite when I went to Sephora to gleefully spend a gift certificate.
Kat Von D, from Miami and LA ink has a make-up line, and if you have ever seen her, it is not surprising that She has a make-up line, OR that her company has a killer liquid liner.
I love everything about it. It has a great brush, it goes on smooth, evenly and DARK. It was $18, so not especially inexpensive, but -to me- it is worth every penny. It also is easy to control the line while you are applying it.
This is a photo of it on me at the END Of the day (not minutes after putting it on).
Also, to send out some etsy love, the shadow I am wearing is from this shop:
Anyway, just a light post for anyone else in search of the perfect liquid liner.
Take Care,
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Weekend Recap
I had a derby-licious weekend!
Although I'd planned to retire- or maybe help my league start a rec. team, because the concept of life without derby is becoming hard to grasp- I found that my short break reinvigorated my love of derby and I am traveling again with our travel team, the Munecas Muertas. Since I'd had a short break I was not expecting to play for a few games, but this weekend we went to a mini-tourney. The team was short on players and it was a driving game so I was asked to join, and gladly accepted.
I was only expecting to play a little, basically as needed, but a few sand and unfortunate injuries changed that pretty quickly. I was excited to get to play a lot, but was happy to be there just to support the team and hope my team-mates recover quickly. We lost both of our games (sad face), but I felt pretty good about my personal performance (especially after taking some time off) . I also got to see some interesting moves and they gave me some great ideas for drills next time I lead a practice!
I drove a friend of a friend back to her hotel after the bout, and enjoyed the two hour car ride. She was an awesome lady who ref's for a league in her home-town. Unfortunately I was on a keto high and spent a long time talking about that. She was probably bored to death and there is a good chance that she think's I am a little crazy. Meh, arn't we all.
Speaking of keto- which I do with great enthusiasm these days- I think I had a major breakthrough this weekend. I am sort of intermittent fasting, not really intentionally, but my body seems to be happy to run on my own fat stores quite a bit of the time. I ate a happy breakfast yesterday of bacon, eggs and green juice around 8 am and was uninterested in eating again until after the second bout yesterday, around 8 or 9 pm. The unintentional fasting has been going on for a while, so that is no news, but I had been having some issues with my skating and athletic performance in general. When I would work out I just felt TIRED. I would be ok for a few minutes, and then feel like I was drudging through muddy water. I think (based on nothing, but still seems logical) that my body was just confused about my fuel source. This weekend, by the second game, it felt I like my body finally figured it out and I was running on ketones. I had so much energy I was having trouble staying still, even at the end of my second hard fought bout.
SO... Now I just need to clean up my game. I got 6 penalties in the second bout. Time to curl up with the newest release of the WFTDA rules . Unfortunately, knowing them has never not kept me from breaking them, as hard as I try.
Take care!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Keto Adaption
After reading about the many benefits of Ketosis, I am one week in and attempting to keto adapt. I read the book "Why We Get Fat" and am have spent the last week and a half listening to every online seminar I can find about Ketosis. I have been on a diet of less than 20 carbs a day and am in Ketosis. Overall I feel pretty good, but I think I am not 100% through the keto adaption.
A Ketogenic Diet, is a lifestlye change to a very low carbohydrate high fat diet. Eating this way greatly reduces the chances of cancer, and some Drs are having success treating different types of cancer. Most cancer cells need glucose to survive. It is also used to prevent Alzheimer and treat obesity, and prevent seizures associated with epilepsy. Although we have been taught that diets high in saturated fat cause heart disease, there are several studies that show it actually reduces the risk of heard disease and lowers cholesterol. Many athletes enjoy the benefits of tapping into their nearly limitless fat stores for energy instead of relying on stored glycogen. People feel more alert and sharp.
A Ketogenic Diet, is a lifestlye change to a very low carbohydrate high fat diet. Eating this way greatly reduces the chances of cancer, and some Drs are having success treating different types of cancer. Most cancer cells need glucose to survive. It is also used to prevent Alzheimer and treat obesity, and prevent seizures associated with epilepsy. Although we have been taught that diets high in saturated fat cause heart disease, there are several studies that show it actually reduces the risk of heard disease and lowers cholesterol. Many athletes enjoy the benefits of tapping into their nearly limitless fat stores for energy instead of relying on stored glycogen. People feel more alert and sharp.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
What's on my mind...
I am reading "Why We Get Fat", and my mind is blown.
I only have a little time to read (usually the evening
before bed) so I am not finished reading it yet (although I have been listening
to constant debates, webinars, podcasts, etc. about the theories in the book
since I started it), and I am sure I will continue to be dumbfounded by the
revelations but I just can't help wanting to talk about it NOW. If you are interested, this video is long, but enlightening.
I mentioned earlier that I would share my opinion on what an
optimal human diet is after the past 5 years of independent recreational
research I have put in to it. Since I had my first child, Autumn, I have been
unable to lose weight, and not through lack of willpower, determination, or
effort. Because of this I have been reading as much about nutrition, fitness
and weight-loss as I have time for between my children and husband, my business
and playing roller derby. I am so obsessed and fascinated with it that I
occasionally daydream about becoming a nutritionist.
Before reading this book, I felt that the best possible
human diet consisted only of raw organic produce (as local as possible) and
lean, grass-fed and free range meat (basically animals that eat the diet they
are intended to eat) and the portion should be ¾ live food to ¼ lean protein. I
enjoy being active and felt this was necessary to be fit and healthy. I thought
grains of all kinds should be avoided all together and think that sugar and
white flour are poison. I also thought
that occasionally treating oneself to thinks like sugar and white bread was
ok. “Everything in moderation” as we
have been told so many times before. I
have been eating a lean low calorie diet for the past 5 years and getting
plenty of exercise so I know there is more to being overweight than eating less
and exercising more, and I started this blog to prove to drs, nutritionists,
etc that I was doing what conventional
wisdom tells us to do to lose weight. I still think organic greens, and animals
that eat their natural diet are great, and more than ever I think that refined sugar
and white flour are poison, to the point that even though I have always loved
these things, the idea of eating them is currently revolting. I will wait until I finish “Why We Get Fat” to
explain the actual changes in what I think is an optimal human diet, what
changed my mind, and how Gary Taubes put the nail in the coffin for me when it
comes to refined sugar, and flour, and most carbohydrates.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
Happy Monday, folks.
I hope everyone had a fantastic Valentines Day!
Historically, Adam has been marginal to awful at making me feel special and appreciated on Valentines Day. He generally goes with the "We should be sweet to each-other all the time" excuse, which would be valid if I were ever surprised by random flowers or hand made cards showing up on my desk.
I am easy, I like the cliches. If I get a handmade doily card, some flowers (preferably roses) and/or some chocolate, chances are I will be thrilled.
Most years, Adam has failed on valentines day, either not getting his valentine done in time, or not doing anything at all.
This was our seventh Valentines Day together, and this year, I was pleasantly surprised! I woke up to a card, a and a box of See's Milk Chocolate Bordeaux's (yum). I was pretty happy just about that. To make it even better my sweet husband also had flowers delivered.
Adam really got it right this time!
Unfortunately... I failed. For the first time I did not make him a card. I had a big deadline to finish on friday, and I thought I could find the time, but never did. Between being busy and expecting Adam to not do anything about it, it was easy to let it slip through my fingers. I feel awful about it. I did take him out to dinner on Saturday, but it was definitely an afterthought. What an odd change of tides. I guess I will have to find some other ways to tell him that I love him more than anything, and he means the world to me.
Take Care,
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Some RANDOM Thoughts.
Roller Derby is NOT a cheap hobby sport Addiction.
I just looked up the last pair of skates I ordered to share some info with a fellow skater. If someone had told me I would eventually spend over $700 on skates (and that is just one expense) when I started I do not think I would believe them. I am sure lots of derby girls spend even more. What may seem even crazier is that I think they worth every penny.
I got to give my self a parenting "High Five" recently.
I just looked up the last pair of skates I ordered to share some info with a fellow skater. If someone had told me I would eventually spend over $700 on skates (and that is just one expense) when I started I do not think I would believe them. I am sure lots of derby girls spend even more. What may seem even crazier is that I think they worth every penny.
I got to give my self a parenting "High Five" recently.
While eating dinner a few nights ago my daughter Autumn said "I LOVE salad!" while shoveling greens into her face with her hands. I will work on getting her to use a fork, later.
We also received our first harvest box from Los Poblanos on Tuesday. We got a large harvest box and a juicing box. It was not quite enough. Next time I think we may do two large harvest boxes, and possibly a juicing box as well. Since we juice a fair amount daily, we go through a ton of produce.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
Coming Soon, to Caustic Threads
Soon this image (or a similar one) will be added to my shop. This Pegasus with a horn... unicorn with wings...pegicorn... Oh, no matter, this cheeky design of a mythical creature pooping cupcakes and stars was a request from a wonderful customer of mine. I am super excited to add it to my shop!
I hope you all had an excellent weekend! I benched coached for the Munecas Muertas roller derby team this weekend. I had said I would not be traveling for roller derby this year, but oh, I do miss it so. I love derby. I sometimes burn out, but it never seems to last long.
Sunday I went skating at the rink and had a friend over for dinner, and friday I really enjoyed going climbing with my husband and 5 year old. Autumn was seriously awesome! I am out of shape, so I hope to be able to go climbing weekly. After all, it is great cross-training for derby... and that seems to be what my life always revolves around.
Take care!
♥ Erica
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Harvest Box
We Have been juicing for over a year. We are on our third juicer, a masticating Omega brand juicer (LOVE IT). Adam and I drink green juice for breakfast. Recently I started having two additional glasses of green juice.
I have a lot of thoughts on juicing, and if my thoughts were less random and more organized surely I would start with the basic reasons I juice and how to juice. Today, however, my thoughts are on the economics of juicing. Adding two additional juices to my diet is an undeniable health BUENO but it has been a bit of a kick in the pants in other areas... specifically our grocery bill.
We have a family of four, and we have been spending about $400 a week on groceries lately. It hadn't really been a big deal, but my husband's car is failing and we may be financing a new one soon. In order to afford that we need to trim some fat from our budget (Almost literally) . We spend so much on groceries, so that seems like a pretty good place to start.
There are areas I am not willing to compromise on. I feel food should be fresh, organic (certified or just in practice), and as local as possible. Chicken should be free range, eggs should have omega-3's and beef should be grass fed. These things cost money, but they can surely be done for less... ?
One way that we will be saving money is by ordering a harvest box from a local farm:
I am not sure what we will be getting, but I am excited to be trying it out! We will be getting a large produce box and a juicing box. Our first delivery will be Tuesday 2/11/14. I will try to get some photos when they get in!
I need to do some research so I can try to save more on our food, but this is an exciting start!
Veggies, WOOT!
♥ Erica
I have a lot of thoughts on juicing, and if my thoughts were less random and more organized surely I would start with the basic reasons I juice and how to juice. Today, however, my thoughts are on the economics of juicing. Adding two additional juices to my diet is an undeniable health BUENO but it has been a bit of a kick in the pants in other areas... specifically our grocery bill.
We have a family of four, and we have been spending about $400 a week on groceries lately. It hadn't really been a big deal, but my husband's car is failing and we may be financing a new one soon. In order to afford that we need to trim some fat from our budget (Almost literally) . We spend so much on groceries, so that seems like a pretty good place to start.
There are areas I am not willing to compromise on. I feel food should be fresh, organic (certified or just in practice), and as local as possible. Chicken should be free range, eggs should have omega-3's and beef should be grass fed. These things cost money, but they can surely be done for less... ?
One way that we will be saving money is by ordering a harvest box from a local farm:
I am not sure what we will be getting, but I am excited to be trying it out! We will be getting a large produce box and a juicing box. Our first delivery will be Tuesday 2/11/14. I will try to get some photos when they get in!
I need to do some research so I can try to save more on our food, but this is an exciting start!
Veggies, WOOT!
♥ Erica
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
Roller Derby and What it Means to Me.
I am sure I will have many many posts about roller Derby on my blog, so I thought I should start with my story.
I love my life. It
is filled with more richness, love and joy than I could have ever imagined. I
have two beautiful children, and an amazing husband. I am fortunate enough to
be self-employed and I work from home doing something I really love. I am consider
myself to be an athlete and I’m healthier and happier than I have ever been,
and I really feel like my life gets better every day. So what has been the most
pivotal event of my life so far? While getting married, having children, and
starting my own business were all momentous, I contribute all of those
happenings to one even bigger event… deciding to play roller derby.
In 2005 I was
22ish and I moved from Savannah back to my hometown, Albuquerque. I needed to
end long relationship and be back in the revitalizing sunshine of the
southwest. I reconnected with a childhood friend through a social networking
site and she was part of a group that was starting a Roller
Derby league, Duke City Derby (now Duke City Roller Derby). I didn’t really know what Roller Derby was, but I loved roller-skating, and was excited when she told me about Duke City Derby’s first exhibition bout on October 22nd 2005. The teams in the exhibition season were Dead Man’s Curves and Big House Brawlers. The bout was held in a bar that was once a roller skating rink. There was a slightly raised wooden area in the center of the building that was surrounded by seating and looked a little like a death trap, and that is where my friend and the founders of Duke City Roller derby skated that day. I fell in love with Roller Derby before the first whistle blew. The skaters had cute, sexy uniforms, like pleated jailhouse skirts and short zip front mechanics dresses paired with fishnets and knee socks. There were girls with all body types, from all walks of life, and just watching them play felt empowering. Skaters had funny, cleaver names and numbers and some had larger than life personas. There was a penalty box with a dominatrix scolding players as they served their time and even a catfight. The spectacle was so amazing, and so cool that I was intimidated, but I knew I had to be a part of what was happening.
Derby league, Duke City Derby (now Duke City Roller Derby). I didn’t really know what Roller Derby was, but I loved roller-skating, and was excited when she told me about Duke City Derby’s first exhibition bout on October 22nd 2005. The teams in the exhibition season were Dead Man’s Curves and Big House Brawlers. The bout was held in a bar that was once a roller skating rink. There was a slightly raised wooden area in the center of the building that was surrounded by seating and looked a little like a death trap, and that is where my friend and the founders of Duke City Roller derby skated that day. I fell in love with Roller Derby before the first whistle blew. The skaters had cute, sexy uniforms, like pleated jailhouse skirts and short zip front mechanics dresses paired with fishnets and knee socks. There were girls with all body types, from all walks of life, and just watching them play felt empowering. Skaters had funny, cleaver names and numbers and some had larger than life personas. There was a penalty box with a dominatrix scolding players as they served their time and even a catfight. The spectacle was so amazing, and so cool that I was intimidated, but I knew I had to be a part of what was happening.
By the time the
second exhibition bout was held on December 10th 2005 I was not only
involved, but drafted to the Big House Brawlers team. I had never been a very
athletic girl, and I was overweight. I was on the swim team off and on when I
was a girl and played basketball for a few years, but never really thrived at
any of the sports I tried, and always thought I was just not the active type.
Now I realize I was just not playing the right sports. It is kind of funny to
think back and wonder why I ever tried playing basketball, as an adult I stand
at 5’2” and was always shorter than my peers as a child. I’m not sure if I have
ever made a basket in my life.
I started by
attending an open skate at the roller rink here that was then called Roller
King. I remember being worried I was not cool enough for all the awesome women
in derby, but everyone was friendly and welcoming. They had special deal on Sunday nights that
allowed a group of 5 admission for only $10, so we would meet and get in groups
of 5 to get the deal. When I first started, I could stand up and propel myself
on skates, but that was about it. I was pretty terrible, but I would go every
Sunday and just skate for the full two hours, and eventually I got better. We
also practiced at a small covered area we called “The Pavilion”. The track we mapped out was half the size of
a current regulation flat track… maybe even smaller. We practiced falling, whipping, skating and
hitting, and sometimes we would scrimmage. There was a minimum skills test we
had to pass in order to bout and be drafted; there were about ten skills we
were tested on, and I did my skills test with old skates I bought from the
thrift store. One of my wheels actually fell off in the middle of my skills
test and I had to finish it with borrowed skates! I have taken the skills test
three times since then, twice after my first daughter(when she was born I lived
in Portland and I had to retake it again when I returned to Albuquerque) and
once after my second daughter. The skills test now has four pages of skills and
a long written portion ensuring that skaters understand the rules.
The Day after the
skills test, I remember my first pair of skates arriving. I had shipped them to
my new boyfriend’s house since I worked during the day and my apartment was in
a sketchy part of town. I was so excited when he called to tell me they
arrived. The smell of new skates is
really something else (and is much better than the smell of old skates). I
imagine the sensation I experienced when I opened the box to be similar to the
euphoria a car fanatic gets test driving a Ferrari.
Within a few
months of playing roller derby I went from a flabby 200 pounds down to a dense,
lean 145 to 150 lbs. In addition, I feel like my entire identity changed, in a
positive way. I went from wanting to be invisible to loving my body and feeling
like living was less of a task, and more of an adventure! It was really
exciting and fun to be part of such a diverse and interesting group of women,
and it was priceless to learn that I was not the uncoordinated slob I always
thought I was. Now I get to see new skaters join and go through their own
transformation, and it makes me so happy to see the positive effect derby has
on so many women.
My first bout was
the second game in Duke City Derby’s exhibition season, and remembering it now
is evoking goose bumps. I was so nervous I felt sick, and I still get that
nervous before games. I had spent longer getting ready for the bout then I
spent pampering myself before my senior prom. My team got together and did
visualization with one of the skaters mothers before the bout. At that time we
had three 20 minute periods and in our league we played 4 on 4 for home bouts.
Now the game is played with each team fielding five players. By the third
period of that first bout a lot of my team had suffered injuries, and I had to
play the entire third period without taking a break, which was equally
exhausting and excellent!
Before the
2005 ended, I went with Duke City Derby’s Munecas Muertas to our first travel
game against Sin City’s Neanderdolls. They demolished us, winning by over 100
points. I remember feeling so broken after that bout, but still having a great
time with them at the after party where I very randomly kissed a stranger and
tried a Bacon Martini made with bacon infused vodka. The next day the
Neanderdolls were kind enough to lead a practice and give us some tips on how
we could become better. At a later date we played them and won, and Trish the
Dish- who had helped us after that first bout- jokingly commented that maybe
they had taught us a little too well.
After the
exhibition season the league restructured into three teams. As a league we
decided on new themes. The themes were sexy spies, robots, and mad scientists.
Somehow the mad scientist theme was changed to a post-apocalyptic theme, and
the three teams were named Derby Intelligence Agency, Ho-Bots, and Doomsdames.
I was a Doomsdame and my team was undefeated for first several seasons.
During my second
season a referee named Adam who went by Fowl Play started with duke city derby.
He had been friends for twenty years with one of the founding members, the ref
Fair Game, and that was how he was introduced to Roller Derby. While he was
profoundly attractive, I was in a relationship and did not really pay much
attention to him for almost a year, and actually thought he and another
skater’s husband were the same person for quite a while. I ended the relationship I had been in, and
around the same time started to notice that Fowl Play was not only a very
diplomatic ref and a kind person, but also exceedingly attractive to me. He was
not really the type of man I am usually attracted to, and despite the
confidence that roller derby gave me, I thought he was too good for me.
Fortunately, I was wrong. I invited him to come to an art show I was having,
and that lead to our first date. We went to a nice restaurant and then I went
back to his place to see the knives he hand forges and have a margarita. After
sharing a bottle of wine at the restaurant and an excessively strong margarita
I spent the night there. I have spent very few nights without him since.
In November of
2008 Adam was laid off right before thanksgiving. By February, we were making
plans to move, and before the end of February we found out that I was pregnant.
We packed up our belongings and stored them at my dad’s shop while we decided
what to do. We spent a lot of time camping, visiting his parents in Michigan,
and my mom in Savannah. In April he was hired by a company in Portland. We
drove from Michigan back to Albuquerque to get our things. From there we headed
on to Portland stopping in Las Vegas along the way to elope. Everything was
wonderful, but looking back I wish someone dressed as Elvis had performed the
After my first
daughter, Autumn was born I stopped working, and started selling crafts on
etsy. I started playing roller derby again as soon as my doctor said it was
safe, approximately 8 weeks after my C-section. It was very difficult to come
back after having a baby, I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy that I
eventually learned was due to a glucose intolerance and my body was completely
different. I could not do what I had been able to do before I had my daughter
and am still working on losing the weight I gained during the two pregnancies.
I now need to lose 70-80 pounds. I only spent a few months skating in Portland
with the Rose City Rollers before I became homesick and needed to come back to
Albuquerque. There is a reason people refer to this place as the land of
entrapment, and I am definitely a desert flower.
When we came back
to Albuquerque I worked at my dad’s shop for a while, which was really nice
because I could bring my daughter with me, and she got to spend a lot of time
with her grandfather. I taught myself how to screen-print and started selling
tshirts on etsy too. My business, Caustic Threads far exceeded my expectations
and within a year I had to choose between my job and my business. While I
really enjoyed working with my dad it was a pretty easy decision to make. It is
so much fun to spend every day designing, dying and printing tshirts. Most of
my top selling items are Roller Derby themed.
I had another
daughter in 2011. I considered retiring from roller derby, but I love playing
roller derby so much that within the first few months of my pregnancy I already
missed so much about it. My husband no
longer Refs, and often wishes he did not have to share me with roller derby, as
it is very time consuming. As I mentioned, I have several pounds to lose, but I
still consider myself to be an athlete and quite fit. I am careful to eat a
clean diet that gives my body the proper fuel that allows me to play the best I
can. I cross train and skate several days a week. I feel like I am healthier than I have ever been, and if I had never
started playing roller derby I would probably still be sedentary and eating all
of the unhealthy packaged food-like-product that I ate before I played. I have had periods of burn out, and am coming off a long break that I needed to remember how important the sport is to me, but it seems to always be part of my life.
Roller derby
has changed dramatically since I started in 2005, the rules are different, the
sport is worldwide and the skill of the skaters is greater. Some changes have been easier to adapt to
than others. Over the years, I have changed with the sport. I have gained
confidence, health, and happiness and that has allowed me to create a life that
I absolutely love. I don’t know if I can say that roller derby has saved my
soul, and I am not going to go into a theological tangent, but roller derby has
changed my life and I can’t imagine my life without it.
Here are some Awesome Derby Items I found on etsy:
This awesome needle point is actually from a tanted skater in my league, Swaaron Marie .
These toe stop covers can be purchased here:
And this cute skirt can be found here:
Friday, January 31, 2014
I'm getting a late start today, the flue that hit my younger daughter and husband finally caught up to me and is slowing me down. I would probably still be in bed if penny hadn't decided to start jumping on my head at 8:00. No matter. I have things to do.
This morning my brain is swimming with thoughts of oddities and freak-shows, and I am wondering how I can use this inspiration in upcoming designs.
This morning my brain is swimming with thoughts of oddities and freak-shows, and I am wondering how I can use this inspiration in upcoming designs.
I watched Tod Brownings FREAKS several years ago, and it may be time to watch it again to help decode the fleeting thoughts and turn them into something useful. Browning took special care to choose actors with real deformities instead of relying on make-up.
I have been fantasizing about taking a trip to New York. I have always wanted to visit, but with my interest in circus sideshow acts rejuvenated, a trip to Coney Island would be so fitting. I do not know much about the history, but am truly fascinated by it.
I guess it is just one more thing to put on my to- do list. ♥
In other news, etsy featured me in their finds email:
Thanks, etsy!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
A Conversation With Penny (age 2)
Me: Good Morning (excited, and as if I am talking to a two year old)
Penny: Good morning (poorly enunciated and hard to understand like everything most two year olds say)
Me: How are you feeling today
Penny: Feel good
Me: How Does your tummy Feel? (she had been up sick)
Penny: (pointing to tummy) Right here.
Me: But how does it feel?
Penny: Feels ok.
Me: How does your foot feel
Penny: (wiggling toes) Feels cute
Me: How does your face feel?
Penny: (while stroking her face) feels preeeetyyyyy
Me: How does your hair feel?
Penny: (as she combed her hair with her fingers) Feels long!
Me: How do your eyes feel?
Penny: (squinting) feel blue
Me: And how does your sister feel?
Penny: (long Pause)
Me: What do you think, how does Autumn feel?
Penny: Red.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
NEW in Caustic Threads
A friend that helps me out with my shop tasks likes bears. I'd been wanting to do a bear design for a while, but I was inspired and motivated to do it when she mentioned it in conversation. I love how it turned out. This photo is just a preview, the item will be available later this week.
I also finally started offering polo shirts in Caustic Threads. I have been making these for my husband since he can't wear t-shirts at work, and he gets frequent compliments on the screen-printed polo tees he wears to work. This can be ordered now at
So, What is next? Well, spring is right around the corner. I may cuddle with my little ones and that frog and toad story to see if I can conjure some inspiration.
♥ Erica
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
gifts for he,
r gifts for him,
t home decor,
the word love,
valentines day,
Thursday, January 16, 2014
After Much Anticipation...
My dolls arrived Monday morning, and I am super excited. They are really very high quality. I was unsure what to expect since they were "factory" dolls and I had never seen one in person before. I am especially impressed with their hair. It is silky soft and thick.
I ordered really cute clothes, and hope to make more. I also ordered some face-plates so I can customize them.
Adam made me a box with a Plexi-glass front to hopefully protect them from the kids. I want to make some 1:6 scale furniture to make a diorama.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Some of this, and some of that.
I find myself dreaming of spring while I work close to my space heater. This treasury is inspired by spring days and daydreams.
We filed our first ever paypal claim recently. As an online seller, I never expected to have to file a claim with paypal. Unfortunately, we ordered something from a large website that was not what we expected. We thought we were purchasing a magazine subscription and a few back issues of Vogues Collections. It turns out that we were purchasing a digital copy. After going back and re-reading the information I decided to file a claim because the item did not state anywhere that it was a digital copy. Today Paypal sided in our favor, and after feeling so taken advantage of, it really feels like a victory.
I recently did some new artwork that I will be printing on shirts soon:
We filed our first ever paypal claim recently. As an online seller, I never expected to have to file a claim with paypal. Unfortunately, we ordered something from a large website that was not what we expected. We thought we were purchasing a magazine subscription and a few back issues of Vogues Collections. It turns out that we were purchasing a digital copy. After going back and re-reading the information I decided to file a claim because the item did not state anywhere that it was a digital copy. Today Paypal sided in our favor, and after feeling so taken advantage of, it really feels like a victory.
I recently did some new artwork that I will be printing on shirts soon:
The customer that requested the design chose the first image, but I like them both, so I will be turning both into screens.
And of course, I have been tracking the progress of my Blythe Dolls very closely. It looks like they will arrive Saturday, but maybe Monday. I will post pictures when she arrives.
Take care!
♥ Erica
Friday, January 3, 2014
Coming Soon, to Caustic Threads
Late in 2013 I purchased a sublimation printer and a multi-press to create lots of awesome things.
I will now be able to sublimate shirts which will allow me to do more with full color art. In addition to shirts I can sublimate my images on to a variety of sizes of mugs, hats, and plates. I am hoping to go to a thrift store soon to pick up some mismatched china to do some limited edition, special porcelain plates. I will share a photo when I get that far.
I also have a second regular press, which makes heat pressing and shipping orders MUCH more efficient.
I did break down and buy my Blythe doll. I was not ready to spend the money for one directly from Takara, so I bought two "factory dolls". From what I can surmise , they seem to be made up of leftover parts and slightly imperfect. They had more options available and the dolls were more unique, so I really liked that about the two I ended up with.
I also finally got Adam's etsy shop up and running before the end of last year and I have been really impressed with how well things are selling over there. He does beautiful work but I was not really expecting his items to get noticed right away. He loves it because he gets to make and sell the items and I do all of the shipping and listing for him.
His shop can be found here:
See you next week !
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