Holly Working
This week I had the pleasure of interviewing holly from HollyandSage on etsy! I am hoping to do weekly blog features of the many wonderful artisans on etsy and other handmade venues.
How long have you been selling on etsy?
I have been selling on Etsy for about a year. I opened my shop in March or April of 2010, but didn’t really get going with it until mid-summer.
What is your busiest season?
The busiest I have been so far is 2 weeks before Christmas last year. After that, business dried up – I guess everyone was afraid to order online too close to Christmas (for fear it wouldn’t arrive in time).
Is etsy your sole income? If no, what is your “day job”? Would you quit if you could?
Right now I don’t have a paying day job, but I maintain a household and do a lot of “mom” things. J
A mommy necklace
What inspires you?
A lot of my items are inspired by color combinations – I have always had an eye for color, and a love for creating my own combinations.
I love the sophisticated color pallet in this button bracelet
Do you sell on other venues?
I do. I have items in three retail locations: Pure Gifts in Mount Pleasant, SC; Back Home in Gold Hill, NC; and Borrowed & Blue in Mount Pleasant, NC.
Are you a good or a bad influence on those around you?
Lol! I guess that depends on the topic! I am a good influence on eating – I am all for natural and local foods, etc., so my friends consider me to be a bit of a food snob. I may be a bad influence in some other areas, but we won’t go there today! ;-)
I love this simple chic necklace
Name some of the sellers whom you look up to and why?
I think The Bead Girl at Studio Jewel is my hero! I don’t know her personally, but I love her work and I would like to learn to work with metal the way she does. Her designs are so simple and stylish! She is also very successful – I guess I hold her success up as an ideal that I would achieve in a perfect world.
Holly's workspace
Do you have any advice for new sellers?
Spend some time on the forums – I learned so much of value there about how to take better photos, things to do and not do, etc. I also made a few connections to teams that I joined. Etsians are very helpful if you get to know them, and some of us need a lot of guidance!
Do you have any pets?
I have a Ragdoll kitten named Blaze. He follows me from room to room when I move around the house throughout the day – he is a wonderful companion! We also have a bearded dragon (lizard) named Simon, and a Rottweiler named Molly.
Holly's kitty, Blaze
Do you have a strong support system? Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My husband and my family and friends are all great supporters of my work! My mom and my aunt have bought multiple pieces from me (in addition to the ones I have given them). My husband is my biggest fan – he is very supportive!
This money clip would be a great guft for the men in your life
Enter to win a vintage button wrap bracelet, a $20 value, from Holly&Sage in the North Carolina Artisans Event on this blog: http://kaeliskiwis.blogspot. com/ - the giveaway starts Sept 3.Keep an eye out for that to win the beautiful bracelet pictured here:
You may click on any picture in this post to be redirected to Holly's shop, or visit her here:
Thanks for the great feature, Erica!